A Place for All My Books - Deluxe (pre-order)
A Place for All My Books is a book gathering, sorting and organizing game where players will arrange stacks of books in different rooms as Projects they wish to complete. When done, they can Admire their accomplishments and gain their rewards (one of which is renewed energy) and they can then spend that social battery to brave heading out into town… to acquire more books (or perhaps buy Irresistible Items at the Village shops). Maybe they’ll even have a moment to read a book or two to relax when they get back home.
This Deluxe Kickstarter Edition features book tiles with grooved spines and gold foil cover art, an embroidered cloth book tile bag, full-color shaped character meeples, a full set of upgraded wooden tokens... all contained in a gorgeous box with gold foil and a magnetic closure to let you open and close it like a book! It also comes with a cardboard oversleeve to protect the gold foil art.
This version is a limited edition!