Harvest: Fall Festival (pre-order)
Harvest: Fall Festival (pre-order)
Harvest: Fall Festival (pre-order)
Harvest: Fall Festival (pre-order)

Harvest: Fall Festival (pre-order)

Regular price $22.00 $0.00 Unit price per

The leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter, and the smell of blue-ribbon pies is in the air. It can mean only one thing: The annual Fall Festival has come to town in this all-new expansion! 

Meet your new neighbors! These festive friends each bring their own distinct play style to further shake up the Harvest formula alongside what’s new in the expansion.

  • Francie, the Field Springer - She's never met a carnival treat she didn’t like—and that she didn't get for free! Mix up the game with an abundance of unique powers and special abilities.
  • Finn and Maisie, the Field Mice - These festive friends only have two meeples instead of three, but each brings a powerful ability: send Maisie anywhere in town to get an extra action. Send Finn for no coin costs. Play your mice carefully to maximize the benefits!

The expansion also includes a full baker’s dozen of new solo mode challenges, guaranteed to throw tricky new puzzles your way as you take on Mayor Gairy in festive style. This 13-scenario expansion to the Solo Challenge Almanac incorporates Fall Festival content to twist up the game in inventive new ways!